Major Samuel Mark GriffithRobert Burns Lodge has lost one of its own: Brother and Major Samuel Mark Griffith, who was killed in action in Afghanistan on December 14, 2011.  Brother Griffith was on his third tour of duty and his second in Afghanistan.  Brother Griffith graduated from Penn State in 1997.  He received his three degrees in Robert Burns by Dispensation from Grand Lodge on March 23, 1998 and earned his wings in the Marine Corps in 2000.  He flew F-18s for about 8 years.

He lived in Virginia Beach, VA and leaves behind his wife, Cassandra, and two sons, Chad, 7 years old and Noah, 6 years old. The prayers of all the members of Robert Burns Lodge go out to them as well as the rest of the family and friends he leaves behind.

From all the tributes we have seen, Brother Griffith lived his life in the true traditions and with all the attributes of Freemasonry in general and Robert Burns Lodge in particular.

Brother Sam will be missed by all.

2011 September Monthly Notice

A Stated Meeting of Robert Burns Lodge No. 464, Free and Accepted Masons, will be held in the Masonic Temple, 2701 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa on, Thursday Evening, September 15, 2011 at 7:00 o’clock P.M.

Action will be had on the following:

1 Candidate for Initiation and Membership

1 Candidate for Membership



The Worshipful Master has invited Pilgrim Chapter DeMolay to present the program for the evening.  Master Councilor, Kyle Oliver, Senior Councilor Kevin Stierhoff and Junior Councilor  David Kopp will present the” Shield Talk”.

There will be a dinner before Lodge on the lower level beginning at 5:45 P.M.   Dinner is open to all Members and their Masonic friends.  If you are planning to attend the dinner, please make reservations by calling the Secretary at (717) 652-4622 or e-mailing to by September 11, 2011.  Contributions will be accepted for dinner.

This month is the Traditional month of Peaches and the usual feast of peaches will immediately follow the close of Lodge.  Plan now to attend this evening of Masonic fellowship and be sure to invite your Masonic friends.


Extra Meetings of Robert Burns Lodge No. 464, Free and Accepted Masons,

for conferring degrees will be held in the Masonic Temple, 2701 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa on,

MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 2011 at 7:00 P.M.

The Entered Apprentice Masons Degree will be conferred upon: 3 Candidates

MONDAY SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 at 7:00 P.M.

The Master Masons Degree will be conferred upon; 2 Candidates

MONDAY OCTOBER 3, 2011 at 7:00 P.M.

The Master Masons Degree will be conferred upon: 1 Candidate

By order of the Worshipful Master,



The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
Masonic Charities Appeal

You should have received or will receive shortly the 2011 Annual Appeal.  Consider the good that the Masonic Charities do in helping to assist families and friends in times of need, tragedy, disaster or personal loss; the maintenance and preservation of our national and Masonic treasures at the Masonic Library and Museum; the daily needs of residents, young and old, that are met by the caring staff of the Masonic Villages; and the support and guidance our youth organizations receive through the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation.

Please read the material and consider the needs addressed and support the necessary programs and services that we make possible together.  You can now make your donation online by logging onto and clicking on the “Gift Planning” link on the left side of the page.  Simply click “Online Gifts” and complete the form.  Or mail your contribution to:

Masonic Charities
Office of Gift Planning
One Masonic Drive
Elizabethtown, Pa 17022



The Pennsylvania Lodge of Research is issuing a call to Pennsylvania Masons for research papers that may be suitable for the presentation at a meeting of The Pennsylvania Lodge of Research and/or publication in the Lodge Transactions published biannually.  Any Pennsylvania Mason wishing to submit a Masonic Research paper, that has not been previously published, for consideration by the Lodge Evaluation Committee is invited to do so by contacting Bro. James F. Standish, Jr., Secretary, at either 610-805-6304 or for information on how to submit papers.


There will be a separate mailing for the annual dues notice again this year.  Look for it at the beginning of October.   All Life Members and 50 Year Members will receive their dues cards for 2012 at the same time and should not receive a dues notice letter.  Please inform the Secretary if you do not receive the correct mailing.


If you have changed your e-mail in the last year or have decided you would like to receive your Monthly Notice by e-mail, you will have the chance to send that information to the Secretary with your dues check.  Please read the form and use the bottom to supply that information. Your Secretary thanks you.


The Brethren are reminded to contact either Brother Ted E. Shumaker, at (717) 319-3664 or Brother Craig E. Powers at (717) 564-5552 if you know of a Lodge Brother who is ill, hospitalized or a resident of a nursing facility.  This will help the Committee on Cheer and Visitation to do their work.


Please notify the Secretary promptly of any change of address.

DAVID L. WEISER, P.M. Secretary