Greetings, Brothers!
Please see invitation below to a St. John’s Day event being hosted by Senior Warden Shaun C. Trude, Sr., who is the incoming Worshipful Master of Robert Burns Lodge No. 464 at 6 P.M. on St. John’s Day (Friday, December 27):
Please send out an email inviting the Brethren to join us at the Millerstown Moose for a St John’s Day celebration at 6 PM. This celebration will be like a breakfast in that we are all paying our way. Spouses/significant others are welcome. I would appreciate an RSVP ( so I have some idea of how many to expect. Thanks.
Millerstown Moose #925
109 W Juniata Pkwy
Millerstown, PA
Shaun Trude, SW
Robert Burns Lodge No. 464