January 2025

Greetings, Brothers!
I hope that you and your family had a joyful Christmas holiday and are ready to ring in a prosperous new year!
In advance of that, I’m pleased to send you your January 2025 Lodge Notice.  As you can see, we are beginning the new year with an Extra meeting on January 6, following by our Stated meeting on January 16 and another Extra meeting on January 20.

Looking forward to the upcoming Masonic Year!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Gerald D Feaser Jr, PM

2025-01 Meeting Notice

St. John’s Day event

Greetings, Brothers!

Please see invitation below to a St. John’s Day event being hosted by Senior Warden Shaun C. Trude, Sr., who is the incoming Worshipful Master of Robert Burns Lodge No. 464 at 6 P.M. on St. John’s Day (Friday, December 27):


Please send out an email inviting the Brethren to join us at the Millerstown Moose for a St John’s Day celebration at 6 PM. This celebration will be like a breakfast in that we are all paying our way. Spouses/significant others are welcome. I would appreciate an RSVP (sctrude464@gmail.com) so I have some idea of how many to expect. Thanks.

Millerstown Moose #925
109 W Juniata Pkwy
Millerstown, PA

Shaun Trude, SW
Robert Burns Lodge No. 464