Greetings, Brother! While this Lodge notice will reach you a few days early, I wanted to share with you the September Lodge Notice for Robert Burns Lodge No. 464 in advance of the Labor Day weekend.
Hopefully, you have been enjoying your summer and are ready to get back to this Masonic year with the upcoming Stated Meeting on Thursday, September 19. The evening will begin with a meal at 5:45 p.m. in the lower-level. To reserve your spot for dinner, please make sure you notify me no later than Sunday, September 15, by simply replying to this email or calling/texting me at 717-317-2696. The recommended donation for dinner is $15.00.
WM M. Jay Sayre has set aside this evening to honor those who are Past Masters of the Lodge, as well as to present 25-year emblems to those members who achieved that milestone prior to this year and have not yet received their pin.
Following Lodge will be the Annual Feast of Peaches.
Also, on Monday, September 23, we will raise a new member to the sublime degree of a Master Mason.
Have a great Labor Day weekend, and I hope to see you soon.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Gerald D. Feaser Jr., PM